Hire a POLITICS & GLOBAL ISSUES Speaker Through eSpeakers

Politics is a hot topic, and many people are interested in this information on both a national and global level. If you are in an industry that is connected with the political trends, then you might consider hiring a Politics/Global Issues Speaker to share information with your group. Politics can be as small as the laws and regulations on a local community level, or as big as the issues that affect the entire population.

Take some time to browse through the many speakers in this category, to ensure that you find a speaker who offers information that is in alignment with the political beliefs of the audience. This speaker can keep the audience informed about national and global trends related to various aspects of politics. Or, the speaker might be able to motivate individuals to learn more about the political system so they can become involved.

Even though politics can generate heated discussions when people have different opinions, these politics are essential for governments and communities. People need to stay informed about the things that are happening on all levels of government, and a Politics/Global Issues Speaker can help with this education.

A Politics/Global Issues Speaker can be beneficial for many types of organizations or groups. If you think that your organization can benefit from these topics, then the best thing that you can do is open a discussion with a few of these speakers to find the person that is right for your individual needs. Browse through our list of speakers, and you will see that there are many options for you to choose from.

Below, we’ve highlighted some of the top eSpeakers politics & global issues experts in our system.

Civil Rights (64 experts)

Civil rights speakers help you create a respectful and diverse workplace. They also provide services that enhance workplace effectiveness and foster an inclusive environment.

Climate Change (49 experts)

Climate Change speakers present about climate change, climate research, strategies and technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of global warming and extreme weather on agricult ...(read more)

COVID-19 (coronavirus) (7 experts)

COVID-19 (coronavirus) speakers share solutions, experiences, and the most up-to-date information about the impact of coronavirus on the world we live in.

Cyber Security (98 experts)

Cyber Security speakers share strategies and practices to increase protection, lessen theft or damage to the hardware, software or the information on them, in your business, organization or your home.

Energy / Alternative Energy (80 experts)

Energy/alternative energy speakers help your company utilize the natural sources available like wind, the sun, tides, or waves.

Generation Z (19 experts)

Speakers on Generation Z can provide valuable insights into the mindset, behavior, and preferences of the youngest and most diverse generation, as well as their impact on society and the workplace. Th ...(read more)

Global Economics (117 experts)

Global economics speakers teach about the worldwide economy including how different countries influence change and how localized economies contribute to the world economy.

Global Thinking (49 experts)

Experts on Global Thinking help identify the many differences in people and their environments around the world. They share with audiences that in order to communicate effectively in a cross-cultural ...(read more)

Green/Environment (188 experts)

Green/environment speakers focus on how organizations can have a positive impact in preserving the environment.

Human Trafficking (6 experts)

Speakers on human trafficking bring awareness to the public about the realities of modern-day slavery and its detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. They educate audiences on how t ...(read more)

Inclusion (212 experts)

Inclusion speakers share strategies for identifying shared values and goals to your audience and fostering an inclusive culture.

Law Enforcement (8 experts)

Speakers on Law Enforcement provide audiences with valuable insights into the complex and demanding work of police officers, sheriffs, and other law enforcement personnel. They share their experiences ...(read more)

Pandemics (3 experts)

Pandemic speakers make sense of its impact on the world. They understand the issues, examine the physical and social effects of a global pandemic, and add insights to finding a vaccine that can help b ...(read more)

Pharmaceutical (4 experts)

Speakers on pharmaceuticals offer valuable insights into the complex world of drug development, testing, and distribution. They provide their audience with up-to-date information on drug regulations a ...(read more)

Political (253 experts)

Political speakers discuss politics in governments, economies, the media, and more. Your audience will gain a greater understanding of politics and their influence.

Social Impact (20 experts)

Speakers on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) help audiences by sharing insights and strategies on how to improve their website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. They provide pra ...(read more)

Space Exploration (8 experts)

Space Exploration speakers are experienced professionals who correlate space exploration to life and business. They also teach skills for achievement and exploration.

Sustainability: Environment (176 experts)

Sustainability: environment speakers educate audiences on how to maintain the environment and contribute to conservation efforts.

Sustainability: Organizational (89 experts)

Sustainability: organizational speakers share strategies for businesses to remain profitable and contribute to conservation efforts.

Terrorism (5 experts)

Experts on Terrorism share with audiences their expertise and background on counter-terrorism, and on today’s domestic threats. They share how terrorism can be specified to talk about the threat of ...(read more)

Unconscious Bias (101 experts)

Unconscious bias speakers talk about its effects in this day and age on the workplace and in our daily lives. Unconscious biases affect all of us, and can have an impact on the way we view and treat o ...(read more)

Hire politics & global issues speaker Gloria Jackson
Gloria Jackson

Politics & Global Issues speaker
